Creative Commons
Creative Commons
This plug in is for use with feeds from Creative Commons license.
This module provides a unified rights and license system for both the RSS2/Atom and RSS/RDF namespace. However, if you wish to generate RDF/RSS feeds, you need to use a CVS build of ROME (or a version higher than 0.8).
The latest version is 0.2 available.
Sample Usage
CreativeCommons commons = new CreativeCommonsImpl(); commons.setLicense( new License[]{ License.NONCOMMERCIAL } ); // Note, you do not have to setAllLicenses right now. When the RSS1 functionality is // added, this will be required at the Feed level only. ArrayList modules = new ArrayList() modules.add( commons ); syndEntry.setModules( commons ); //Alternately, to get the module: CreativeCommons commons = (CreativeCommons) syndFeed.getModule( CreativeCommons.URI );
Initial release from ROME.
, multiple selections available,